Chiagozie Udeh

Experience the effects of the climate crisis in Nigeria first hand and get involved in “UN Environment”.

He is experiencing first hand the effects of the climate crisis in his country Nigeria where climate-induced conflicts are rife. Since 2014 he has been involved in TUNZA Eco-Generation,  youth initiative of the UN Environment in addition to his journalism work.  He then joined YOUNGO, the youth constituency to the UNFCCC where he has helped increase the participation of global south youths.. Together with five young entrepreneurs, he founded the AfroWatt organisation in 2015. AFROwatt aims to promote renewable energy development in rural areas of Africa. In COP24 in Katowice, during the 2018 UN Climate Conference, Udeh was elected as a Global Focal Point of YOUNGO, the Youth Constituency to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). When he heard about Camilla’s idea, he was immediately enthusiastic: “It is crucial that we use this march to create awareness and especially to address the link between Europe and Africa. Mobilisation in Africa will be crucial and exchange of global and indigenous solutions which Morocco typifies.

As early as 2009, she called on the UN General Assembly to take immediate action to avert the climate crisis.
Set out for global solutions to the climate crisis. On foot. With the train Over seas.
Together against the climate crisis. First at Fridays For Future now also at Go For Climate!
Plant trees so we can stay below the 2° limit longer and implement solutions.